Shenstone History Group Appeal for Information
The Shenstone History Group are a small collection of local enthusiasts who meet at Shenstone Library. In late 2013 the group decided they would research the First World War soldiers remembered on the village war memorial and also those others who were listed on a plaque in St John the Baptist Church.
The work was aided by the discovery of a file, held in the church, which was compiled years ago by Betty Antill of Sutton Coldfield, and her husband, listing the names and service details of those remembered on Shenstone’s Cenotaph.
Bronwen Ross researched the backgrounds of each soldier to build up a picture of their homes, families and occupations. This formed the basis of a booklet and supported the display within the library.
Jennie Danby has gathered memorabilia, books and photographs which she has mounted and arranged into a display that one can see and browse over, at the library entrance. It is a developing and ‘active’ exhibit designed to honour each soldier on the anniversary of his death. Thus it is altered and extended regularly.
The centre piece of the display, built by Ben Hooper, is a model of Shenstone’s Cenotaph, beneath which, is a cabinet illustrating elements of The Great War.
If anyone has connections to these ‘Shenstone Heroes’ or can recall stories and information of relevance to the period, the ‘Shenstone History Group’ would very much appreciate meeting and discussing ideas.
Please contactthe group at Shenstone Library on 01543 480915 or e-mail [email protected]