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Freda’s Grave Listed on War Memorials Site

Freda, the Harlequin Great Dane mascot of the New Zealand Rifle Brigade, was stationed with the Brigade at Cannock Chase, near Brocton in England. The 5 (Reserve) Battalion had been at Brocton since September 1917, and Freda was probably acquired there. Another story is that Freda was picked up and adopted as the brigade mascot…

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Wartime Horn Dance Honoured Century On

One hundred years ago, four brave men who were about to head off to war joined members of their village to take part in an historic dance. The Fowell brothers, Jack, Arthur, Alfred and David, returned on leave from the Army to join the famous Abbots Bromley Horn Dance whilst wearing their Army uniforms. The…

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Medals donated to the Museum of Cannock Chase

John Alfred Hallum fought in the South Staffordshire Regiment and died in January 1919. He was 21 years old. The son of George and Sarah E. Hallum of Brindley Heath, Private Hallum is buried in Cannock Cemetery and is mentioned on the Hednesford War Memorial. Dave Bevington, aged 55, a manager at an engineering company…

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Shenstone History Group Appeal for Information

The Shenstone History Group are a small collection of local enthusiasts who meet at Shenstone Library. In late 2013 the group decided they would research the First World War soldiers remembered on the village war memorial and also those others who were listed on a plaque in St John the Baptist Church. The work was…

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Hell at Hohenzollern

A UHNM hospital porter with a passion for local history has had his first-ever book published. Callan Chevin’s ‘Hell at Hohenzollern: Staffordshire’s Blackest Day’ relives the events leading up to the massacre of 500 men from the North Staffordshire regiment during the Battle of Loos. Read more  

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World War 1 Research Funding Available

The second phase of the Voices of War and Peace Community Research Fund has now opened. The fund is open to academics who are working in collaboration with community groups and up to £15,000 can be applied for. Please see the website for further details including deadlines

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New Dates Announced for CBA Home Front Legacy Training

The CBA is encouraging heritage bodies, centenary and community groups to record the surviving remains of First World War places across Britain, and open up our knowledge of the Home Front then and now. A series of workshops have been organised around the country for you to attend free of charge. Register Now. CBA Home…

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WW1 Casulty Clearing Station Board Game Launched

Innovative maths resource the WWI Casualty Clearing Station Board Game launched in Worcester on 16 July. Designed for secondary school mathematics pupils the player takes on the role of a First World War Medical Officer. Created by the George Marshall Medical Museum and The Infirmary Museum as part of the Worcestershire World War One Hundred…

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