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Berkswich History Society to launch two books

Friday, 29th November 2013. On Monday 5th May 2014 Berkswich History Society will host a book launch at St. Thomas’ Church, Walton-on-the-Hill, near Stafford. The Society have been given permission by Mr Richard Haszard of Milford Hall to re-publish “Letters of an English Boy” which was originally produced after the death of Richard Levett in 1917…

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Staffordshire Regiment Museum’s new trench

Friday 29th November 2013. The Staffordshire Regiment Museum opened their re-designed Great War trench system in November. The 500 feet trench system contains scrape holes, gun positions, a tunnel and a first aid station. It has new interactive elements as well as authentic sound effects and is now one of the best places to try to experience …

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Messines Model on BBC West Midlands

Monday, 21 October 2013 The Messines Model on Cannock Chase, excavated during September, will feature in the BBC West Midlands tv programme ‘Inside Out’ tonight at 7.30pm. The dig on Cannock Chase ended a fortnight ago, and the model has now been covered up to protect it from the elements, plants and wildlife.   No Mans…

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Research into Eccleshall’s Great War fallen

Eccleshall Historical Society have launched a project to commemorate the centenary of the Great War.  They are looking for help to research the stories of those named on the town War Memorial which stands in the churchyard of Holy Trinity Church.  46 names are on the memorial, and the project aims to create a more detailed…

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‘Operation Kiwi’ draws to a close

‘Operation Kiwi’, the community archaeology project to excavate the Messines Model on Cannock Chase, is coming to a close.  More than two weeks of excavation finished at the weekend, and after the remains have been measured, scanned and recorded, it will be covered up again to protect it.  Funding from Natural England has enabled Staffordshire…

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Messines Model

Excavation of World War 1 Messines model to go ahead in September

In a project led by Staffordshire County Council and funded by Natural England, a large concrete terrain model on Cannock Chase, representing a section of the Great War battle of Messines Ridge, is to be excavated. The model was built at Brocton camp which, along with the camp at Rugeley, formed a large training area…

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New booklet: Great War Camps of Cannock Chase

New booklet: Great War Camps of Cannock Chase

This new booklet is a short guide to the extensive camps which were built on Cannock Chase for military training purposes during World War I (1914-1918). Drawing on documentary and archaeological evidence, the booklet looks at the construction and use of these camps, and features original documents and images, maps and photographs of the sites…

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Archives pack

New resource for family and local historians

Staffordshire Archives & Heritage Service have produced a new Staffordshire and the Great War Archive Pack . Ideal for anybody with an interest in Staffordshire’s part in World War I (the ‘Great War’), this unique pack contains our publications World War I Camps on Cannock Chase (16 pages) and Private Lycett’s Army Cookery Instruction Book…

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