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Seeking Information about the Dawson Brothers

Richard Pursehouse and Lee Dent are interested in gathering information about three brothers who were killed in action on the Western Front. Thomas, Harry and Edward Dawson from South Staffordshire are commemorated on a memorial in Bednall Church. The news article gives further details. If you can help please contact Richard and Lee on [email protected].

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Free events across England helping you engage with the next generation

It has never been easier for community groups to work with schools and colleges and the reasons for doing so have never been more compelling. Key Stage 3 and 4 both now have a dedicated Citizenship programme of study. Many different civic groups across England are already regularly working with schools and colleges and are…

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J.R.R. Tolkien in Staffordshire Touring Exhibition awarded marketing excellence award.

On Friday the J.R.R. Tolkien in Staffordshire touring exhibition was awarded a prestigious CILIP (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals) Marketing Excellence Bronze Award by the Publicity and Public Relations Group. Scott Whitehouse, project co-leader with David Robbie from the Haywood Society, attended the PPRG annual conference and collected the award. “I am delighted…

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Kitchen Goes to War

Staffordshire’s Leisure & Culture Service has received a grant of £10,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for the Kitchen Goes to War project taking place in primary schools and libraries across Staffordshire in 2018. Made possible by National Lottery players through HLF’s First World War then and now programme, this project will focus on…

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Letters to Hem Heath

The Trentham World War One Project made a film called Letters to Hem Heath in collaboration with our local primary school and Ray Johnson in 2015. It was made on a shoestring budget, but was a great experience for us to write and produce, with expert support from Ray Johnson MBE. View now on

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Bell Ringing to Commemorate the End of the War

In memory of 1400 bell ringers who died in the First World War, Big Ideas are launching a new campaign to recruit 1400 new bell ringers. This is a call out to all of us and an opportunity for everyone, a chance to make this wonderful ancient tradition open to all. Bells rang out for…

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Get involved 2018 marks the end of the international commemorations of the First World War. Since 2014, events and activities around the globe have connected people with the impact of 1914-1918: on the world, nations, communities and individuals. The role of women is a story that is yet to be fully told. In Spring 2018…

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Do you have a World War 1 project that you want to fund ?

At the Great War conference last month Elise Turner gave a presentation about funding available from the Heritage Lottery Fund. What next? Plan ahead for 2018 Involve more people Telling hidden stories Planning ahead for 2018 One year until the centenary of the end of the conflict If you have an idea and want funding…

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New Publication – Staffordshire’s War

Karen Hunt’s Staffordshire’s War was published by Amberley Press on 15 November 2017 in their series Voices of the First World War. Staffordshire’s War takes an entirely new approach to what we know about the Great War. It is the only book that gets up close to what it was like to live on…

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