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Western Front Association Open Public Lecture Series dates for 2017

All lectures are free and will take place in MC001, University of Wolverhampton – 5.30pm-7pm Wednesday 1st March 2017, Dr Rob Johnson (Pembroke College Oxford), ‘Rethinking Lawrence of Arabia and the Palestine Campaign, 1917-2017’ Wednesday 7th June 2017, David Olusoga, (BBC), title to be confirmed. Wednesday 6th December 2017 – Professor David Stevenson (London School of Economics), ‘1918 Revisited:…

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Tile Painting in Kidsgrove Library

A series of individual tile paintings created by members of Kidsgrove Town Council and friends has been mounted in Kidsgrove Library, The Avenue, Kidsgrove for public viewing. The tile painted by Councillor Burgess is on the right hand side near the top and its of a smiling soldier pointing a finger to indicate “Your Country needs you .” She has dedicated…

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Civic Voice First World War Memorials Programme 2017

This year, Civic Voice has gone that extra mile to make sure every community in England has been given the chance to get involved in the First World War Memorials Programme. Civic Voice has delivered 77 events and has engaged over 500 community groups in the programme. From recruiting a new front line to getting…

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Ceremony for Additional Three Stakes at the Shot at Dawn Memorial.

On Saturday 29 October 2016, a bracing Autumnal morning, and with a light drizzle threatening, three additional stakes were added to the Shot at Dawn Memorial (created by Birmingham artist Andy deComyn) at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire, England. The date had been suggested to Andy deComyn by Lee Dent and Richard Pursehouse of…

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Ynyr Owen on a mission to find all of Sutton Coldfield’s war memorials

Article from Civic Voice. Based in Sutton Coldfield, Ynyr Owen first got involved in the First World War Memorials Programme after attending a Civic Voice war memorials workshop in Birmingham in July 2016. Like many people, Ynyr holds an interest in the First World War because of his family connections to it; his Great-Grandfather fought…

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First World War Study Day Dates 2017 announced

The University of Wolverhampton First World War Research Group is pleased to announced Saturday Study Day dates for 2017 will be: Saturday 25 February 2017 Saturday 6 May 2017 Saturday 18 November 2017 (held jointly with the Black Country Society) These dates are fixed, once details of topics and speakers have been agreed, a formal programme will be…

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War Memorials Condition Survey Toolkit

The Civic Voice First World War Memorials Programme is encouraging people to look more closely at their local war memorials and to take action to ensure they are fitting tributes to those who fought in the First World War or other conflicts. This tool kit is aimed at helping anyone who wants to assess and…

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Foxlowe as a Red Cross Hospital

A new book in the series of Commemorating the Great War has been published focusing on Foxlowe. Here is the story of how at least 59 Leek women ran a hospital for wounded soldiers in Foxlowe during the Great War. Discover who made this possible, how funds were raised, and the names and stories of some…

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Visit to Cannock Chase’s World War 1 Sites

As part of the Friends of Cannock Chase’s Heritage Lottery Funded Reaching Out Arms project, groups of people have been able to visit the World War 1 sites as part of guided coach tours. This item from the Express and Star shows the project during a tour.

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